I’ve always wanted to create quilt-like paintings. They’re Super Fun…Bright & Happy…Enjoy!


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Americana Quilt

32x48.5 inches

Acrylic on wood with some decoupage song lyrics… includes built-in wood frame




****This painting sold at…

Around Back at Rocky’s Place Folk Art Gallery

3631 Hwy 53 East at Etowah River Road

Dawsonville, GA 30534


phone: 706-265-6030





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Quilt painting #1 Large


12x16 inches


Acrylic on wood



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Title: Katherine Michael Large Collage (featuring…lady liberty, black cat, red grouper, cow, me with peace sign, American flag, Kathi & Brett, jar of miracles, tan squirrel, Adam & Eve, Abe Lincoln, Mona in red dress, owl, bunny, raccoon, coca-cola, corn, George Washington, lt. blue bird w/ cat, grey goat)


47x32 inches acrylic on wood



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Title: Katherine Michael Collage (featuring…chicken lady, Tuckee boy, Mona Lisa, deer in forest-night, coca-cola, Birdie boxerdog, Armando catboy, fireflies, VanGogh angel,)


30x36 inches acrylic on wood



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Title: Katherine Michael Collage (featuring… Queenie, bird, Frida, owl, raccoon, dancing Tuck, Eve angel)


36x24 inches acrylic on wood



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Title: Katherine Michael Animal Collage (featuring… Tuckee boy, cat, raccoon, red grouper, squirrel, silver goat, yellow bird, copper fox)


36x24 inches acylic on wood